The Scoop on Henna…
One of the newest products we have in stock is our Jamila Henna. Continue reading to learn more about this great natural product.
What is Henna?
Henna as we know it is produced from the shrub Lawsonia inermis. The leaves and small branches are harvested, dried and ground into the familiar powdered form.
What are the properties of Henna?
Henna is known to have antifungal and anitbacterial properties. Specifically for hair, it aids with strengthening and protecting the hair. Repeated henna treatments can also help to thicken the hair over time. It also may loosen your curl pattern over time and also increases the shine.
Is Henna a protein treatment?
No it is not.
How can Henna colour/dye hair?
Henna naturally contains a reddish orange dye known as lawsone. This is what is responsible for the colour.
Is Henna available in different colours?
Henna contains only one dyeing molecule, and can therefore only create reddish to orange hues. Other colours can be created by adding additional natural dyes to the henna such as indigo and cassia. (Look out for our posts on these dyes in the coming weeks). It is important to note however, that you cannot lighten your hair with henna.
What colour will I get if I use Henna to dye my hair?
It depends on current colour of your hair, the dye content of the henna and also the period of time that is left to develop and left on the hair. Generally however, individuals with light (brown) hair will get red tones, while individuals with dark brown to black hair will have reddish/burgundy tint that is usually only visible in strong light conditions.
What other products can I use to enhance/alter the colour I would get from henna?
Other powders such as amla and indigo can be used to adjust the final colour of your henna treatment prior to application. Additionally coffee, beet root juice, walnuts (or shells), powdered herbs such as cinnamon, nutmeg, tumeric and teas can be used to alter the colour.
How can I get the benefits of henna without the colour?
The use of Organic Zizyphus Powder on its own or mixed henna will give you the benefits (strength, thickness and shine) without the colour. (more on this in later posts)
How does Henna dye differ from other permanent chemical dyes?
In order for permanent hair dyes to be effective, the cuticle must be opened (with ammonia) before the permanent colour can be deposited. Natural pigments such as henna work by coating the hair shaft with colour. This is gentler and safer for the hair.
What type of Henna should I use to dye my hair?
It is important to use body art quality henna to dye your hair. Why? Other types of henna may contain additives such as para-phenylenediamine (PPD), lead acetate and other metallic salts that can discolour and burn hair or contribute to dermatitis and other skin conditions.
Stay tuned for more info on using Henna.