Super Simple Updo on a Twistout

Hi Friends,

I just wanted to share with you a super duper easy twistout updo that I wear often, always get complemented on and often get asked how to do it. It’s so easy it literally takes three steps and can be completed in under a minute.

“Hair” Goes!

1. Untwist your hair ( if it isn’t already in a Twistout)
2. Section out with your fingers a portion of your twists on the top, centre of your hair (the bigger you want your bang the more hair you section out) and hold (clip) out of the way.
3. Put the remainder of your hair into a high loose ponytail (using a band without metal parts)
4. You’re done!!!
For added definition you can curl your twists with Bantu knots/ curlers …anything really. Curling works really well when your hair is long and you don’t want you bangs dropping in your face.
That’s all folks!