Being pestered by those pesky mosquitoes?
Have you guys been feeling the mosquitoes and no see ums lately? They’re terrible! Wondering about ways to keep them away instead of lathering up on the bug sprays, vape mats and cobra?
Try using some of these methods that are sure to drive these pesky creatures in the other direction.
It is well known that oils such as neem, citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary and orange oil (to name a few) work wonders in keeping away insects. Why not try incorporating them in a lotion!
Here’s what you need!
Lotion (any kind will do really)
Citronella or neem oil (you can purchase neem oil from Sageroots)
Scent masking oil (I like to use peppermint, it also has insect repellent properties)

Add a few drops of your insect repellent oil to your lotion. If you’re picky about smells (neem is notorious for being smelly), you may want to add some sort of scent masking oil to it. That’s it. Apply the mixture to your skin and you will have Moisturised skin that insects are not interested in biting on!
Not interested in applying the mixture to your skin?
Then add the oils to your burner! Add a few drops of the oils to your burner, add some water and light (or switch on) the burner. Heating the oil releases the scents and repels those bugs.
Have a bug free summer friends!!