Air freshening goodness on the fire!

This week I’ve been researching and experimenting with different recipes trying to make a freshener for my home. 

After creating a linen spray that I did not particularly enjoy, I did some more browsing on YouTube for more information which brought me to writing this blog! (I don’t remember the you tube page that inspired me)

I decided to make an air freshener using natural herbs, citrus and water and boy did I hit the nail on the head!! It smelled good enough to eat!! (and of course it’s technically edible as I used all natural ingredients …less chemicals floating around in the home).
Here is what was cooking in the pot:

– Fresh sliced grapefruit (and a few peels)
– Cloves
– Cinnamon
– Nutmeg
– Water

The air freshener working its magic on the stove top (poor quality picture credited to my cell phone)

I added the herbs and citrus into a small saucepan and covered with water (everything will float except nutmeg so use your judgement with the water additions).

Turn on the pot and low heat and let simmer. Once the water heats up you’ll be able to smell the citrus, cinammon-y goodness in the air.
Once you’ve had enough freshening turn it off… The scent will linger a while until the concoction cools.

Another great thing about this is that it is not a one time use freshener….just pop it in a container in the fridge after cooling and reuse until the scent fades…I’ve used mine three times so far.

I’ve also made up a couple spare bottles of the stuff and placed in the fridge and I’ll be experimenting with different scents as I create them. (I added rosemary and lemongrass so far)

Pre-made jar of my freshener from the fridge (poor quality picture credited to my cell phone)
Try experimenting with this…You’ll love the way your kitchen smells!